I feel like I may be overdoing this whole blog thing. But for some reason I just have a lot to say right now.
I just got back from seeing The Fault in Our Stars. I'm still feeling a bit emotionally drained.
It was absolutely incredible. It far exceeded all of my expectations. But this post isn't a movie review.
This post is about a quote from the film (and also the book). There is a moment when Hazel Grace and Augustus are in Amsterdam sitting down with Van Houten. Van Houten is speaking nonsense about God knows what when he mentions the concept of infinity. He tells Hazel and Gus that some infinities are greater than other infinities. Later, when Hazel and Issac are reading their eulogies for Augustus at his pre-funeral funeral (so he can hear what his best friends would say about him). Hazel thanks Gus for giving her the best infinity that he could have possibly given her, even though it was shorter than she wanted.
But this got me thinking. And to be honest, this may have been brought up in the film, so I don't think I can take credit for this thought. But let's be real...I was sobbing pretty hard at this point in time. Anyway, everyone enters into our lives for their own amount of infinity.
Let me explain this infinity concept a bit more. I'm going to use Hazel's example. You see, between 0 and 1, there are infinite numbers, for example .1, .01, .011, etc. But there are even more infinite numbers between 0 and 2. Using this idea, the infinity between 0 and 2 is bigger than the infinity between 0 and 1. Make sense?
I've been spending the last little bit thinking about the different infinities that I've experienced with people throughout my 21 years here on earth. There are a few specific infinities that come to mind.
The first infinity is that of my parents. Thus far, they have been a part of an infinity that began (for me) when they brought me home from the hospital. Wow. That just got me thinking about how I don't know anybody right now who was there when I was born. Perk(?) of being adopted? Anyway. There will come a time with this infinity comes to a close, but thus far it's the longest running infinity that I've got.
The second infinity is the one with my best friend. I've known this girl since we were like three years old. It's incredible how much she and I have gone through together. It doesn't matter how much distance is between us or how long we go without speaking, we always pick up where we left off last. I feel as though this infinity is unique. I don't think there any very many out there like this one.
The third infinity is a bit more depressing. It's that of this guy I was briefly involved with last semester. It was nothing serious, but nonetheless damaging. And you know, I think that's okay. Not all infinities are 100% good; they also aren't 100% bad. It's a delicate balance. While this infinity is basically over, I'm thankful for it. It's helped shape me into who I am today typing this blog post. Not all infinities are meant to last for a long time.
The last infinity is that of all of my good friends from school. Man. I don't know where I would be without these people. I've gotten so close to them in the past few months and even made new friends. It seems as though all of these infinities have become interwoven. I don't know how to explain it. I guess these infinities seem as though they'll never end. But maybe that's wishful thinking.
It's an interesting concept, isn't it? It's a lot to think about and digest. If you haven't already, I recommend you read The Fault in Our Stars and then see the film. Or watch the film and then read the book. Either way, it'll change your perspective on things. But I would definitely get on that if I were you.
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