Thursday, 5 June 2014

Can I be happy 100 days in a row?

That's the question, isn't it?

I'm sure by now you've heard of the 100 Happy Days Challenge. If you haven't, click here.

At the beginning of the year, I saw several people that I follow on social media posting pictures everyday with the following hashtag: #100HappyDays.

I didn't think much of it. To be honest it seemed a bit like a fad of sorts. I didn't want to get involved with it. But I saw a post on tumblr today that made me change my mind.

One of the folks I follow on social media is Gemma Styles. (Yes, she is elder sister to Harry Styles, 1/5 of One Direction.) She had taken part of the challenge, and I had loosely followed her postings. I wasn't aware that she had reached the end of her 100 days until I saw a post on tumblr where someone compiled all of her (almost) 100 photos and used part of the caption from her last day.
Soooo I'm done! To be honest I started this because I was feeling really quite unhappy at the time and now I'm pretty content with how things are going, which (oops) did cause me to slack off a bit towards the end. Possibly a coincidence but I recommend you start day 1 tomorrow if you need cheering up!
For some reason, this stuck with me. Now, I've not been feeling particularly down. (On the website to register that I was partaking in the challenge I rated my overall happiness at 7.) But you know, I thought to myself, "Self, what's keeping you from being at 10?" I couldn't answer that question.

So as of today I am taking part in the 100 Happy Days Challenge. Feel free to follow my journey here.

Can you be happy 100 days in a row?


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