It's been a few days since I last posted. Not a lot has happened. But I am currently watching How To Train Your Dragon. It's a favourite.
I've been working a lot lately. Yay, retail! Already this week I've picked up and extra eight hours covering for different people who have called out. I'm glad for the hours. It's just more money for me. Which considering all that I need to pay for this a very good thing.
Tomorrow I'm getting my hair trimmed. It's been about a year since I last got it cut. Last summer I made the decision to chop off about nine inches. My hair really needed it; it was split-ends galore on my head. I've regretted it ever since. My hair takes forever to grow. It's not even back to the length pre-chop yet. But tomorrow I'm just going for a trim. And maybe get bangs. I still haven't decided on that one yet.
Also in the past couple of days I've decided that I'm going to go to the One Direction concert in Nashville! I'm super excited. :) Yeah, I've got tickets to see them in Atlanta (and they are GREAT seats omg), but there's just something about seeing a band or artist that you love in your home state. There are also several of my friends from tumblr who will be at that show. It will be great to finally get to meet some of them in person. The only downside to this is that I have to wait until I get paid next week. But just knowing that I'm planning to go is awesome.
My beach trip is also quickly approaching. I seriously cannot express how excited I am for that. I haven't had a trip to the beach in probably 12 to 15 years. There was that one day on senior trip in 2011 where we spent the day at Virginia Beach...but it was the beginning of May and absolutely frigid. I'm going to Hilton Head with my best friend and her family. They go pretty much every year.
Speaking of my best friend, it's almost time for her to come home!! She's been in London studying abroad since like the second week of May. I miss her like crazy. I cannot wait for her to be back where she belongs: three minutes away from my house. Haha.
I'm really looking forward to the next two weekends. Next weekend I'm heading up to Murfreesboro to celebrate one of my best friend's birthdays. It's his 21st, so it'll be really fun. I got his present in the mail on Monday! I really hope he likes it. I'm sure he will. The following weekend I'm going up to visit Callie. I haven't seen her since we got back from London in January. I can't wait to see her.
The only other exciting news is that I'm house sitting starting this weekend. I've never legitimately house sat before, so this will be interesting and hopefully fun. :)
So yeah, that's an exciting update on my life. Hopefully next time I'll have something deep and profound to share with you...heh.
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