Alright. So. Last week sometime I watched the next episode of OUAT. Life got really busy and I haven't gotten around to writing my response to it until now. Fingers crossed I took good notes and can make this as enjoyable as possible.
This episode is called The Shepherd. Which was a bit weird to me, until I watched the entire episode.
I'm learning their names in our world, so that's a plus.
David is being released from the hospital. And he's going "home". Sigh. I don't like this woman that's supposedly his wife. This isn't his home; he doesn't belong here. And seriously? You don't have a huge party for a person who is still struggling to remember who they are. That's so overwhelming. Oh, but there's Henry... Trying to make things better by plotting and scheming. Asking such leading questions. Of course asking about Mary. But the mayor... I just don't like her. At all. She may have lost someone (I'd love to know who), but she ain't your friend, sista. Well, she might be. I don't like either of you, so you might be best buds. Ooooh!! David went to find Mary!! And he's helping her to hang a birdhouse...and asking about her resignation... Sigh. He's adorable. He just, he has feelings for her! And he wants to choose her over his wife!! But Mary is denying him... Why?!? Sigh...
Alright. Charming is using a sword. And he's dead?! What?! Oh, no. He's pretending to be dead so he can kill the bad guy. That's fine. I can survive that. It's a bit weird that there's an audience for this killing. But I guess it was cheaper than cable back then (ba dum shhhhh). Oh. Now he's going to kill a dragon? Huh. Okay. Who is this guy with the weird hand? Oh, wait. Gold sword. He's King Midas! Charming really is beautiful. WAIT. WHAT. What has happened?!? This guy just rises from the dead and spears him??? But he can't be dead, can he? Oh my gosh. He is dead. And here's Rumple... Gosh, he just shows up, doesn't he? So, Charming was actually a gift from Rumple because the King and Queen couldn't have a child of their own. Stupid king... Stop making deals with Rumple. He's a poop. Rumple wants the wand of Cinderella's fairy godmother!! Ooooh. Okay. That makes sense. But wait. He can't bring Charming back from the dead... What on earth is he going to do? Oh. He has a twin? Ooooh, yes he does. I love when the twins are just as if not more attractive.
Okay. So Mary is stressed. Like cleaning mode stressed. Ah, Emma with the best advice: stop cleaning and have a drink. Amazing. Alright so if you think something you want to do is wrong, it probably is...true. Now I know he needs to figure his life out, but that's what he's trying to do!!! Now I'm assuming the wife is in love with the twin, not the original Charming seeing as how he's dead. Ugh. Stop trying to sleep with him. He doesn't like you. See? He doesn't even like kissing you. Ha.
Aww!! The twin is chasing a goat. How cute. Alright, so this guy lives with him mother. And his mother is trying to marry him off to save the farm. Sigh. But look at him!! He's going to save the farm his own way. Good for him. And he wants to marry for love! Not for money! Praise. And here's Rumple... He's trying to explain all of this to them. I just don't trust him. Not at all.
So, the doctor... Is he making moves on Mary again? I thought we washed our hands of him... Ugh. Regina. Why????? She needs to mind her own business. She has no right to say anything to Mary. At all. Like it isn't her business that David left his wife. Honestly. Just buzz off.
Now the twin is going to slay the dragon, yes? Okay. So I'm assuming that the Charming that we've known the entire time has been the twin. I think that's a safe assumption. I get the feeling that all of these men will die while trying to kill the dragon. Just a hunch. Is this dragon the reason there was a dragon at the opening credits? Or has there always been a dragon there? I'll have to keep my eyes open next time I watch. Sigh. I just love the heart this guy has. He cares about everyone. I love him. Oh. That guy is toast. Well, he's been toasted. Heh. And after an exciting action sequence, we learn that the sword works great and the dragon has no head. Lovely.
Ahhh!! He came to see Mary!! He loves her. I just, I have such heart eyes over them. But Mary just keeps pushing him away. Ugh. I don't like it. (David's smile, though. Good. Lord.) So the sheriff brings doughnuts to get her to work a night shift because he has some charity thing? Okay. Sure. Eeep! Mary has come to gossip. I love it. Ooooh. And Emma is telling her to go! Yay!!! And of course Regina has something to say... Just piss off.
The dragon's head is now gold. Of course. And King Midas wants Charming to marry his daughter. Of course. And oh my gosh!! It's her! Of course... She's a stuck up turnip, isn't she? And why is the king threatening him to marry her??? Ughhhhhhhhhhhh. I don't like it.
Aww. David is wandering around lost. He's trying to find his way to where Mary is. And naturally Regina finds him and gives him "directions". I'll bet you they don't go where he's trying to get. So Mary is there waiting for him... Where is he? Oh, dear. The pawn shop. Don't go in there!! He went in there... Okay. Hopefully Mr. Gold is giving him proper direction. Uh oh. The windmill. Is it the one from his house? Crap... He's remembering things... I don't like this...
Okay so the twin is going back to his mother to tell her what's going on. And now she doesn't want him to marry someone for the money. It's about time. I just hate that he's being forced to marry this person. Wait. He can't see him mother again?? Oh my gosh. He came to say goodbye to her. I can't deal with this. He just, he loves so purely and so much. Ooooh! The ring! It was his mother's ring!
Mary is wearing the ring!! He has finally arrived!! And he's "remembering" crap about Catherine. Sigh. I really don't like this at all. They've mentioned the "right" thing to do quite a bit in this episode. Blah. This is dumb. He just freaking broke Mary's heart. I don't like him now. So Emma is on night patrol. And she sees someone sneaking out of a window through the bushes. It's the sheriff!! He was sneaking out of Regina's window. It's about time someone found out about their sneaking around. And now David has gone back to Catherine... Major sigh. Oh, so, "Let's see what happens"? Um, no. Let's not.
I just don't like that they're getting married. It's dumb. Abigail and James. It's just weird. Why are they staying in Midas' kingdom? Who knows. And now the other king is saying he's proud of James for making the "right" decision. Yeah, like you gave him a choice. Ooooh! But they're taking the scenic route back!!! This is when he meets Snow!! Eeeep!!
And now Mary is heartbroken. I'm so upset. And the doctor is there? Okay... But who is this guy? Well, he wants to buy Mary a drink. And she says to but her two. Bless.
Well, that wasn't so bad for being about a week removed from actually watching the episode. I'm thinking of shooting for Once Wednesdays in the future. Where I post on Wednesdays about OUAT. But don't hold me to that... We'll have to see what happens.
Until next time.
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