Thursday, 27 November 2014

because a thankful heart is a happy heart

The fourth Thursday in November is the day that we folks here in America celebrate Thanksgiving. It's a time where we gather together with family and friends and eat a large meal whilst focusing on the things we're most thankful for. It's a wonderful thing, if you think about it.

Now, I'm currently sat in bed preparing to head to bed because I have to be at work at 5 o'clock in the morning. But before I drift off into dreamland, I wanted to push pause on my overly hectic life and spend some time going over the things that I'm truly thankful for.

This post isn't going to be long, dear reader. I've already taken Tylenol and can feel it beginning to kick in. But I do hope it's as beneficial to you as it will be for me. Taking time to be thankful is important in helping us to realise just how blessed we really are.

1. My mum and dad.
2. My job.
3. My relationship with God.
4. The internet.
5. Social media. Specifically tumblr and twitter.
6. Music.
7. One Direction.
8. YouTube.
9. Bubble baths.
10. Rain showers and thunderstorms.
11. My best friend Michelle.
12. Being able to cook and bake in my kitchen.
13. My dear friend Justin.
14. All of my wonderful friends I've met through tumblr: Callie, Sam, Krissy, Abby, Lauren, Meg, Amanda, Julia, and many more.
15. My roommate Lexi and suitemate Megan.
16. My RAs Stacie and Kaite.
17. Other friends from Bryan like Rachel, Katie and Josiah.
18. My pillow pet.
19. Good books.
20. Steaming cups of tea.
21. Warm mugs of coffee.
22. Conversations with Mr. Palmer.
23. The kinda weather that reminds me of London.
24. Twinkle lights.
25. Starbucks.
26. Fireplaces.
27. Memories.
28. Meaningful conversations.
29. Puppies and kittens. (Also the adult versions of these animals.)
30. Dark chocolate.

While that is by no means a complete list of what I am thankful for, it is definitely enough to put a smile on my face and remind me of what is most important in my life. But now it is time for me to sleep. There's a lot that is happening in the life of Brittany coming up here soon. All will spill out in blog form soon enough.


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